Indian television viewers have been tuning in to the hilarious comedy show “Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai” for the past five years. The show follows the misadventures of the characters in the “Vibhuti Nagar” neighbourhood, and the recent news of a new actress joining the cast has caused a stir amongst fans. In this article, we will explore the departure of Neha Pendse, the new Anita Bhabhi, and the reaction of fans.
Introduction to the Show
Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai is a popular Indian television show that has been running for five years. The show follows the lives of two neighbouring couples living in the Vibhuti Nagar neighbourhood. One couple consists of Vibhuti Narayan Mishra, a jobless man, and his wife, Angoori Tiwari, a housewife. The other couple is comprised of Manmohan Tiwari, a businessman, and his wife, Anita Bhabhi, a glamorous woman.
The show focuses on the characters’ daily lives and the comedic situations they find themselves in. The show is known for its witty dialogue, slapstick humour, and use of physical comedy.
Neha Pendse’s Departure
Neha Pendse was the original actress to portray the role of Anita Bhabhi. She was a fan favourite and her chemistry with the other cast members was widely praised. However, Pendse announced her departure from the show in January 2021.
Though the official reason for her departure was not revealed, some sources reported that Pendse was offered a role in another show, which she accepted. This left the showrunners in a difficult position as they had to find a suitable replacement for Pendse.
Who is the New Anita Bhabhi?
The showrunners eventually settled on Saumya Tandon, an experienced television actress, to play the role of Anita Bhabhi. Tandon is a popular actress who has been part of several successful shows such as “Comedy Circus” and “Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hai”.
Tandon has been well-received by fans of the show. She has been praised for her comedic timing and her chemistry with the other cast members.
Fans’ Reactions
The news of Pendse’s departure and Tandon’s arrival was met with mixed reactions from fans. Many fans were disappointed to see Pendse leave, but they were excited