Wednesday, February 12


If you’re looking for an Onyx coin business forecast, analysis, or price prediction, you’re undoubtedly curious about where the price of Onyx coin (XCN) may go. To forecast future price fluctuations, we employ a variety of machine-learning techniques. This price projection is intended to answer the majority of your inquiries. Will the Onyx coin (XCN) regain its all-time high (ATH)? Now is the time to invest in Onyx coins. Is Onyx coin displaying bullish or bearish indicators right now? We will analyse numerous XCN technical indicators in our Onyx coin price prediction projection.

Onyx Coin (XCN) Price Forecast

The onyx coin has fallen 9.83% in the previous seven days, indicating a bearish trend. As a result, we anticipate a minor rebound during the following week as traders take advantage of this drop to purchase XCN.

Onyx coin every hour, every day, every week, and quarterly price predictions are shown below. These forecasts attempt to forecast how much Onyx coin will be valued in one hour tomorrow, the following day, next week, and the subsequent month.

How Far Can Onyx Coin Rise?

The average conclusion of the year price of Onyx coin (XCN) might be $0.003. According to the five-year forecast, the coin will quickly hit the $0.014 barrier.

What Is The Current Onyx Coin Price?

Onyx coin (XCN) is currently trading at $0.002 with a market size of $54,320,818.000.On Tuesday, crypto currencies of cloud block chain software provider (XCN) lost nearly 90% of their value before regaining most losses later in the day. According to a post-mortem study conducted by, a market maker and API problem around 1:00 pm SGT (5:00 am UCT), they started to cause XCN to decline in huge percentiles. Triggering more downward selling pressure owing to insufficient liquidity and margin calls.

Onyx Coin (XCN) Price History & Market Assessment

Onyx coin’s current price is $0.00231, ranked #407 among all coins. The Onyx coin now has a quantity of 23,482,966,566 coins in circulation, with an average market value of $54,249,250.

XCN price has dropped by 2.61% in the last 24 hours. During the previous seven days, the Onyx coin has struggled to acquire traction, falling 9.83%. If you consider purchasing Onyx coin and XCN displays negative indicators this week, now may be a good time to invest.

Price Declined

XCN’s price has declined by 53.05% in the last 30 days, dropping its previous value of $0.004921 by $0.002611. Because of the recent slump, the Onyx coin is now in a bear market. In the last three months, the selling price of Onyx coin has plummeted by 79.30%, losing $0.008851 from its initial value of $0.011161.

What Is The Highest XCN Predicted Price For 2023?

At the end of 2023, the XCN price is predicted to reach a high of $0.003.

What Will The Value Of Onyx Coin Be In 2030?

Regarding pricing, Onyx coin has tremendous potential to soar to new heights. It is expected that the value of XCN will rise. According to particular professionals and business analysts, the Onyx coin might reach a high of $0.10 by 2030.

What Will The Value Of Onyx Coin Be In 5 Years?

The onyx coin will have an affordable price of $0.016 and an aggregate cost of $0.013 per XCN in five years. Onyx coin’s value changes dramatically since it is exchanged on a supply-and-demand basis.

Is Onyx Coin (XCN) A Good Buy?

The value of the Onyx coin is projected to climb further as scarcity drives up prices. Before making any decisions, invest in your abilities. Judgments and conduct as much research as possible. The onyx coin (XCN) is a crypto currency since 2018.

Plenty of investors are becoming interested in crypto currencies as their popularity grows. They are looking to growing cryptocurrencies, so most of them go for Onyxcoin or Club Coin as a potential investment opportunity. We will also discuss how investors can make the most out of their investments in XCN by considering these factors.

What Should Be The Future Potential For Onyx Coin?

Onyx coin’s future strongly depends on the crypto currency sector’s general performance. When investing in XCN, you must ensure that you are employing the proper approach. This investment is not appropriate for people has an unbalanced risk profile. Nevertheless, it is still an excellent investment for those with a high-risk appetite and a secure financial status. Aside from its hypothetical nature, and character, XCN provides exposure to worldwide technology and an ever-expanding ecosystem.

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