Thursday, February 13

Are you searching for the best hair cleansing solution to pass your hair follicle test? Mike’s Macujo method is the most effective solution that helps you to beat the result. Why do you rely on our word? Go through the article to explore the success stories of several clients.

What is Mike’s Macujo Method?

Before heading to the main point, let’s understand a hair follicle test. It is all about identifying illegal drug use and prescribed medication misuse. The USA to different countries allow this type of testing to secure working environments and for other purposes.

Searching for the best solution or method to pass your upcoming hair follicle screening? Mike’s Macujo method is the most effective one among drug consumers. It is also known as the hair-deep cleansing method. You can eliminate several drug metabolites from your hair’s cuticles from root to tip.

Why is it so famous? Go through the next section for more details!

Ingredients Used in the Mike’s Macujo method

Mike’s Macujo method’s main goal is to remove all drugs and alcohol from your hair. And for this, it includes powerful and useful items, such as –

  • Macujo Aloe Rid detox shampoo (you can buy it from com or Amazon and E-bay stores).
  • Heinz vinegar 5% acidity,
  • Clean & clear deep cleaning-pink,
  • Tide liquid laundry detergent, and
  • Arm N Hammer baking soda,

Thousands of drug users use this method to pass their hair drug screening. Let’s check out their success stories after using Mike’s Macujo method!

Success Stories of Passing Hair Follicle Tests with Mike’s Macujo Method

From cocaine to marijuana and different drug metabolites can be removed by this method. However, every success story we will share has records on Reddit and the official website

Christine’s Success Story

Date: 25/02/2022

Drags used: Percocet.

Method used to cleanse hair: Mikes Macujo method.

Christine is not a drug user. She used to take Percocet for severe pain medication. But she was worried it would appear on her upcoming hair follicle test. She tried several detox shampoos and methods but failed to get negative results. After that, she discovered Mike’s Macujo method and called “Mike” to ensure its success.

Yes, he was absolutely right! All the Mike’s Macujo method variants are strong enough and succeeded in passing her hair follicle drug testing. Overall she followed the rules perfectly, such as –

  • Wash hair with the Macujo Aloe Rid shampoo.
  • Use Arm N Hammer and warm water mixture in her hair.
  • Spray the Clean & Clear astringent over her head.
  • Use liquid tide.
  • And do the last wash with Macujo Aloe Rid shampoo.

After following the steps daily, she successfully passed her hair follicle drug test.

Dan’s Success Story

Date: 01/09/2022

Drags used: Oxycontin and Adderall.

Method used to cleanse hair: Mikes Macujo method.

Dan passed the hair follicle screening within two weeks by learning how Mike’s Macujo method eliminates drug metabolites from hair. At first, he doubted and rejected using detox shampoo by thinking of hair loss or damage. But he gained trust when he observed other drug users’ success stories.

Also, he researched online and visited the website and learned that none of the items damage his hair but effectively remove toxins from the hair cuticle layer. Like Christine, he also followed the same steps.

However, Dan used the Zydot Ultra Clean treatment two times and Macujo Aloe Rid Shampoo with Mike’s Macujo method four times. You can visit mikes website or buy hair treatment products from Amazon for faster delivery. All his hard work paid off, and he received a negative result.

Michelle’s Success Story

Date: 17/11/2021

Drags used: Weed and Adderall.

Method used to cleanse hair: Mikes Macujo method.

As a daily weed smoker, Michelle worried about thinking: how did he pass the hair follicle tests within one week? He planned to use a detox drink and take sufficient water to join a new job and pass the test. But there was no sign of passing the test.

But he failed six times in a row. He then learned about the Macujo Aloe Rid shampoo and Mike’s Macujo method success stories from his friend. This is 100% effective and works perfectly as promised.

“When the testing time arrived they cut the patch of hair from behind my ear. I was freaked and nervous about the results. Will the method work or not? But to my surprise, I had great news within a few days and got a chance to join my dream job” – Michelle’s opinion.

Christofer Sarah’s Success Story

Date: 05/05/2020

Drags used: Cocaine.

Method used to cleanse hair: Mikes Macujo method.

Sarah is not a heavy cocaine user but also underwent a hair drug test to join her job. At first, she colored her hair to pass the test. But when the positive result showed, she searched for the best solution.

She learned about Mike’s Macujo method online and visited the site for more information. After that, she called Mike and took his advice to pass her hair follicle test. She followed all steps perfectly, like –

  • Start with a Macujo Aloe Rid shampoo to wash her hair.
  • Next, use Arm N Hammer and warm water mixture in her hair and massage for 5-7 minutes.
  • Spray Clean & Clear astringent over her hair and sit it for 30 minutes.
  • Use Macujo Aloe Rid, spray vinegar again, and repeat the steps.

Earl’s Success Story

Date: 29/04/2020

Drags used: Marijuana and Ecstasy.

Method used to cleanse hair: Mikes Macujo method.

Earl used marijuana two weeks before taking a drug test and ecstasy one week before testing multiple times. But with the help of Mike and his instructions on following Mike’s Macujo method, he passed the test. He did not use bleach, hair color, or anything.

However, Earl didn’t believe he nailed it and got his long-desired job. Like others, Earl followed the same steps and precautions, like –

  • When he used the detox shampoo and other ingredients, he used Vaseline around his forehead to eliminate rashes.
  • Avoid using old spray bottles.
  • Use detox shampoo 1 to 2 times per day before his testing.

After doing some hard work, he finally got his negative results within a few days.


Now at the end of this article, we hope you will also succeed in your hair follicle testing like others. Don’t panic thinking about chemical reactions. The method and its ingredients are so much effective and harm-free.

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