The Indian TV show Anupamaa has been a huge hit since its debut in July 2020. The show follows the life of a middle-class woman, Anupamaa, and her family’s journey as she struggles to maintain a balance between family and work. The latest episode of Anupamaa aired on 15th January 2021, and it was an intense one.
Anupamaa 15th Jan Update
The 15th January episode of Anupamaa saw Anupamaa and her family dealing with the separation of Samar and Nandini. The episode started with Samar and Nandini’s families trying to come to an understanding about their relationship. However, they were unable to come to a consensus and Samar and Nandini decided to part ways.
Samar and Nandini Separate
The separation of Samar and Nandini was heartbreaking for Anupamaa and her family. They had tried their best to convince the two families to come to a consensus, but their efforts were in vain. Anupamaa was especially affected as she had grown close to Nandini and wanted the best for her.
Anupama Takes Vanraj’s Class
Anupamaa was heartbroken and angry at the same time. She was angry at Vanraj for not taking any action to save the relationship. She scolded him for not putting in any effort to talk to the two families and convince them to come to an understanding.
Vanraj’s Actions Upset Anupama
Vanraj was taken aback by Anupamaa’s reaction. He tried to explain his point of view, but Anupamaa was not ready to listen. She was so upset with his inaction that she decided to take matters into her own hands.
Anupama’s Reaction to Separation
Anupamaa decided to take it upon herself to talk to both the families and try to convince them to come to a consensus. She was determined to make sure that Samar and Nandini stay together, no matter what.
Vanraj’s Reaction to Anupama’s Move
Vanraj was impressed by Anupamaa’s determination and decided to support her. He told her that he would do whatever it takes to make sure that Samar and Nandini stay together.
The latest episode of Anupamaa was an emotional one. Anupamaa’s determination to