The fifteenth season of the Indian reality show Bigg Boss has been full of unexpected twists and turns. The latest twist has come from the show’s mother, Sunanda, who came in support of her daughter Shamita Shetty. Sunanda was moved to tears when she saw Shamita crying and delivered an emotional speech to console her daughter. This moment has been widely discussed among fans of the show.
Sunanda’s Support for Shamita
Sunanda Shetty, the mother of Shamita Shetty, recently came in support of her daughter in Bigg Boss 15. Sunanda has been an integral part of the show and has been affectionately referred to as the show’s mother.
Bigg Boss 15’s Unexpected Twist
The unexpected twist came when Shamita Shetty was in tears over an incident that occurred in the house. Sunanda was moved to tears seeing her daughter in such a state and decided to come to her rescue.
Sunanda’s Emotional Speech
Sunanda delivered an emotional speech to her daughter, consoling her and reminding her to stay strong. Sunanda spoke about the importance of family and being there for each other during difficult times. She also reminded Shamita that she was not alone and that she had the support of her family and friends.
Shamita’s Tearful Reaction
Shamita was moved by her mother’s words and was overwhelmed with emotion. She thanked her mother for coming to her rescue and for her emotional support.
Fans React to the Moment
The moment between Sunanda and Shamita has been widely discussed among fans of the show. Many fans have praised Sunanda for her emotional speech and for standing by her daughter in her time of need.
Sunanda’s Message to Shamita
Sunanda’s message to her daughter was simple and powerful – stay strong and never give up. She reminded Shamita that she was not alone and that she had the support of her family and friends.
Sunanda Shetty’s emotional speech to her daughter Shamita Shetty has been widely discussed among fans of the show. Sunanda’s support for her daughter has been praised by many and her message to stay strong and never give up has been an inspiration to many.