Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar tied the knot on December 25th, 2020, and now, the couple are celebrating their first wedding anniversary. On this special day, Gauahar Khan took to social media to share a romantic post for her husband, along with some unseen photos from their wedding.
Gauahar Khan’s Wedding Anniversary
Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar are celebrating their first wedding anniversary. The couple tied the knot on December 25th, 2020, in a star-studded ceremony in Mumbai. Since then, the couple have been sharing glimpses of their married life on social media.
Gauahar Khan’s Romantic Post
To mark their first wedding anniversary, Gauahar Khan took to social media to share a romantic post for her husband. She posted a picture of the couple and wrote, “The world’s most magical day, when the two of us decided to spend our lifetimes together! Happy 1st Anniversary my love @zaid_darbar Love you beyond! #GauahargetsZaid.”
Unseen Photos From Wedding
Along with her romantic post, Gauahar Khan also shared some unseen photos from their wedding. The photos showed the couple looking into each other’s eyes and smiling. The post was flooded with comments from fans and well-wishers who wished the couple a happy anniversary.
Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar
Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar are one of the most popular couples in the entertainment industry. Zaid is the son of famed music composer Ismail Darbar, and Gauahar is a popular television actress. The couple has been together since October 2020 and they got engaged in November.
Couple Celebrates One Year of Marriage
Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar have been married for one year now, and the couple celebrated their special day with a romantic post. The couple has been sharing glimpses of their married life on social media, and their fans have been showering them with love and wishes.
Gauahar Khan’s Special Day
Gauahar Khan marked her first wedding anniversary with a romantic post for her husband. She posted some unseen photos from their wedding and wrote a heartfelt message for Zaid Darbar. The post was flooded with comments from fans and well-wishers who wished the couple a happy anniversary.
Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar celebrated their first wedding anniversary with a romantic post. The