Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin is an Indian television drama series that follows the lives of two families living in the same house. The show has gained popularity for its unique storyline and characters. Recently, the show released a promo in which Virat, one of the protagonists, is seen wearing Sai in handcuffs. This has sparked a lot of curiosity among fans, who are eager to know what will happen next. In this article, we will discuss Virat’s reaction to the news of Sai’s pregnancy and how his senses will fly as soon as he hears the news.
Virat’s Reaction
Virat is a loving husband who is devoted to his wife, Sai. In the promo, he is seen wearing her in handcuffs and this has piqued the curiosity of the viewers. It is speculated that Virat will be shocked and surprised to hear the news of Sai’s pregnancy. He will be overwhelmed with emotions and will be uncertain of how to react. He will be worried about the implications of the pregnancy and the responsibility it will bring.
Pregnancy News
The pregnancy news will be a major turning point in the show. It will bring a lot of changes in the lives of the characters. Virat will be faced with a difficult decision of whether to accept the responsibility of the pregnancy or to reject it. He will also have to decide if he wants to take the relationship with Sai to the next level. The news of the pregnancy will bring a lot of complications in the lives of the characters.
Sai in Handcuffs
The promo also shows Virat wearing Sai in handcuffs. This has led to speculation that Virat is trying to control Sai or is trying to prevent her from doing something. It is possible that Virat is trying to protect her from any harm or is trying to keep her from leaving him. Whatever the reason may be, it is clear that Virat is desperate to keep Sai with him.
Virat’s Senses
The news of Sai’s pregnancy will shock Virat and his senses will fly as soon as he hears the news. He will be overwhelmed with emotions and will not know how to react. He will be filled with fear and confusion and will be uncertain of what to do. He will be scared of the implications of the pregnancy and the responsibility it will bring.
The news of Sai’s pregnancy will be a major turning point in the show. It will bring a lot of changes in the lives of the characters and will test Virat’s loyalty and commitment to Sai. Virat’s