Navratri is a nine-day Hindu festival celebrated in India. It is celebrated to honor the nine forms of Goddess Durga. During this time, people observe fasts, perform rituals and offer prayers to the goddess. Panchang is a traditional Hindu calendar used to determine auspicious and inauspicious times for activities. On 11 April 2022, it will be the tenth day of Navratri. This article will discuss the panchang today, auspicious and inauspicious times, the significance of Navratri fasting, the rituals to be followed on the tenth day and how to make the most of the tenth day.
What is Navratri?
Navratri is a Hindu festival celebrated for nine days in the month of Ashwin (September-October). It is celebrated to honor the nine forms of Goddess Durga. It is believed that the goddess Durga visits the earth during this time and gives her blessings to her devotees. During this time, people observe fasts, perform rituals and offer prayers to the goddess.
Panchang Today on 11 April 2022
Panchang is a traditional Hindu calendar used to determine auspicious and inauspicious times for activities. On 11 April 2022, it will be the tenth day of Navratri. According to the panchang, the day starts at 4:19 am and ends at 3:25 am the next day. Auspicious times are from 8:21 am to 10:08 am and from 6:39 pm to 8:26 pm. The inauspicious times are from 10:08 am to 11:55 am and from 8:26 pm to 10:13 pm.
What are Auspicious and Inauspicious Times?
Auspicious times are considered to be the best time to start any new activity or venture. They are believed to bring good luck and success. Inauspicious times, on the other hand, are considered to be bad times and should be avoided for any new activity or venture.
What are the Significance of Navratri Fasting?
Navratri fasting is an important part of the festival. It is believed that fasting during this time helps to purify the body and mind. It is also believed that fasting helps to gain the blessings of the goddess.
What are the Rituals to be Followed on the Tenth Day?
On the tenth day of Navratri, the goddess Durga is worshipped. People observe fasts, perform rituals and offer prayers