The makers of the iconic television series ‘Pavitra Rishta’ have recently released the promo of its sequel, ‘Pavitra Rishta 2’. The promo has created a stir among the fans of the show, as it hints at a possible reunion of the show’s protagonists, Manav and Archana. However, the promo also introduces a new character in the form of Rajveer, played by Vivek Dahiya, who could prove to be a potential roadblock in the couple’s journey towards a happy ending.
‘Pavitra Rishta 2’ Promo
The makers of the iconic television series ‘Pavitra Rishta’ have recently released the promo of its sequel, ‘Pavitra Rishta 2’. The promo has created a buzz among fans of the show, as it hints at a possible reunion of the show’s protagonists, Manav and Archana. The promo features a romantic montage of the couple, along with a glimpse of the new entry, Rajveer, played by Vivek Dahiya.
Rajveer’s Entry Between Manav and Archana
The promo introduces Rajveer as a potential roadblock between Manav and Archana. Rajveer’s presence in the show could mean that the couple’s reunion might be put in jeopardy. Rajveer is seen entering their lives as a friend, but his motives remain unclear.
Vivek Dahiya’s Role to Create a Storm
The promo has further piqued the interest of fans, as it features actor Vivek Dahiya in the role of Rajveer. Dahiya is a popular television actor and his presence in the show is sure to create a storm.
Manav and Archana’s Reunion in Doubt
The promo hints at a possible reunion of Manav and Archana, but the presence of Rajveer could put their reunion in doubt. It remains to be seen what impact Rajveer’s character will have on the couple’s relationship.
Impact of Rajveer on Manav and Archana’s Relationship
The promo has left viewers wondering what impact Rajveer’s entry will have on the couple’s relationship. Will he prove to be a roadblock in the couple’s journey towards a happy ending? Only time will tell.