Rajjo is an upcoming Indian web series that is set to release on a popular streaming platform. The show is a light-hearted comedy that follows the lives of two friends who are living in the city of Mumbai. The show promises to be a fun and entertaining watch as it follows the two friends’ journey of self-discovery.
Introduction to Rajjo
Rajjo is an upcoming Indian web series that follows the lives of two friends, Rajjo and Rani. The show is set in the city of Mumbai and will be released on a popular streaming platform. The series is written and directed by Shruti Srivastava, who has previously worked on the web series ‘Chai Sutta Chronicles’. The show is produced by the production house ‘Rajjo Productions’ and has already gained a lot of hype and anticipation from the audience.
The Show’s Release Date
The show’s release date has been announced and it is set to be released on the 15th of April 2021. The show will be available to stream on the streaming platform from this date and viewers can look forward to watching the show from the comfort of their homes.
A Glimpse of the Promo
The official trailer of the show has already been released and it has managed to capture the attention of the viewers. The trailer shows the two friends, Rajjo and Rani, going on a journey of self-discovery as they explore the city of Mumbai and its culture. The trailer also shows the two friends getting into various amusing situations as they explore the city and find out more about themselves.
Cast and Crew Details
The show stars Pratik Gandhi and Megha Bhatt in the lead roles. Pratik Gandhi is known for his roles in the films ‘Made in China’ and ‘Kadakh’. Megha Bhatt has previously worked in the web series ‘Chai Sutta Chronicles’ and ‘Bandish Bandits’. The show also stars other popular actors such as Rajesh Sharma, Mukul Chadda, and Shweta Basu Prasad in supporting roles.
Plot of Rajjo
The show follows the lives of two friends, Rajjo and Rani, who are living in the city of Mumbai. The two friends go on a journey of self-discovery as they explore the city and its culture. They find themselves in amusing situations as they explore the city and embark on a journey of self-d