Roadies 18 is the eighteenth season of the MTV Roadies reality show. The show is hosted by Bollywood actor Sonu Sood and MTV VJ Rannvijay Singh. The two hosts have earned a lot of fame and respect from the Roadies 18 fans. In this article, we will compare the two hosts and see who is the better one.
Roadies 18 Winner
The eighteenth season of the MTV Roadies reality show, Roadies 18, was a huge success. The show was hosted by Bollywood actor Sonu Sood and MTV VJ Rannvijay Singh. The show saw a lot of talented contestants competing against each other in various tasks and challenges. The winner of Roadies 18 was Shweta Mehta, who won the hearts of the fans with her strong will and determination.
Sonu Sood vs Rannvijay Singh
Sonu Sood and Rannvijay Singh are two of the most popular hosts of the Roadies 18 show. Sonu Sood is a well-known Bollywood actor, while Rannvijay Singh is a popular MTV VJ. Both the hosts have their own unique styles of hosting the show and engaging with the contestants.
Comparing the Hosts
When it comes to comparing the two hosts, there are certain factors that need to be taken into consideration. Sonu Sood is known for his calm and composed demeanor while Rannvijay Singh is known for his energetic and enthusiastic hosting style. Both the hosts have their own strengths and weaknesses, which makes it difficult to choose one over the other.
Sonu Sood’s Strengths
Sonu Sood is known for his calm and composed demeanor while hosting the show. He is known for his positive energy and his ability to connect with the contestants on a personal level. He is also known for his quick-wittedness and his ability to make the contestants feel comfortable and at ease.
Rannvijay Singh’s Strengths
Rannvijay Singh is known for his energetic and enthusiastic hosting style. He is known for his ability to keep the contestants engaged and motivated throughout the show. He is also known for his quick-thinking and his ability to think on his feet.
Who Is The Better Host?
When it comes to deciding who is the better host between Sonu Sood and Rannvijay Singh, it is difficult to choose one over the other. Both the hosts have