The Kapil Sharma Show, hosted by comedian Kapil Sharma, has been a hit with audiences since it first aired in 2016. On the show, Sharma interviews numerous celebrities and reveals their secrets. One of the most interesting guests on the show has been Jitendra’s wife, Shobha Kapoor. She recently revealed many secrets about her expensive lifestyle, which has surprised viewers.
Shobha Kapoor’s Expenses
On The Kapil Sharma Show, Shobha Kapoor revealed that her expenses are quite high, and that she spends a lot of money on luxury items and vacations. She revealed that she spends around ₹50,000 a month on vacations and luxury items. She also mentioned that she spends a lot of money on her wardrobe, and that she has a collection of designer clothes that cost her lakhs of rupees.
Secrets Revealed on The Kapil Sharma Show
Apart from her expensive lifestyle, Shobha Kapoor also revealed some of her most intimate secrets on The Kapil Sharma Show. She revealed that she and Jitendra are often fighting, and that she often has to intervene to make sure that things don’t get out of hand. She also revealed that she is a very private person, and that she prefers to keep her personal life away from the public eye.
The Cost of Luxury
Shobha Kapoor also revealed the high cost of luxury items that she often purchases. She said that she loves to buy expensive cars and jewelry, and that she spends a lot of money on these items. She also revealed that she often goes on expensive shopping trips to luxurious locations, such as Dubai and Paris.
How Shobha Kapoor Manages Her Finances
Shobha Kapoor also revealed how she manages her finances, and said that she is very careful with her spending. She revealed that she often budgets her money, and that she is always aware of her financial situation. She also said that she is very careful with her investments, and that she always makes sure to invest her money in the right places.
Shobha Kapoor’s appearance on The Kapil Sharma Show has been a hit with viewers, and her revelations about her expensive lifestyle and secrets have surprised many. Her careful management of her finances and her love for luxury items have made her an interesting guest on the show.
Overall, Shobha Kapoor’s appearance on The Kapil Sharma Show has been an eye-opening experience for viewers. Her expensive