The Kapil Sharma Show is one of the most popular comedy shows on Indian television. Hosted by the versatile comedian Kapil Sharma, the show has been entertaining viewers for the past few years. Recently, Kapil asked one of the show’s lead actors, Kartik Aryan, about his increased fee and the actor gave a witty response. Read on to know more about the incident.
Kapil Sharma’s Question
Kapil Sharma asked Kartik Aryan about his increased fee on the show. He asked the actor if his fee had really increased or if it was just a rumour. Kartik was taken aback by the question but he maintained his composure and replied with a witty remark.
Kartik Aryan’s Response
Kartik Aryan was quick to reply and said that he had not increased his fee, but that the production house had. He also added that he was not the one to decide on the fee and that the production house had the power to do so.
Reasons Behind Increased Fees
The production house increased Kartik Aryan’s fee on the show due to his increasing popularity and demand in the industry. He has become one of the most sought after actors in recent times and his fee for the show had to be revised accordingly.
Impact of the Show
The Kapil Sharma Show has been a huge success and has been running for the past few years. The show has been appreciated by viewers and critics alike and has been a major source of entertainment for many. The show has also helped in increasing the popularity and demand of the actors associated with it.
The Kapil Sharma Show has been a major source of entertainment for many. Recently, Kapil asked Kartik Aryan about his increased fee and the actor gave a witty response. The production house increased his fee due to his increasing popularity and demand in the industry. The show has also helped in increasing the popularity and demand of the actors associated with it.
The Kapil Sharma Show is one of the most popular comedy shows on Indian television and has been entertaining viewers for the past few years. The show has been a major source of entertainment for many and has also helped in increasing the popularity and demand of the actors associated with it.