Cash is a 2020 Indian comedy movie directed by Mahesh Manjrekar. The movie stars Amol Parashar, Pavan Malhotra and Gopal Dutt in pivotal roles. The movie is a satire on the demonetisation of 2016 and its aftermath. It received mixed reviews from critics, but the audience had a different opinion. With the release of the movie, a lot of people took to Twitter to express their views and reactions. In this article, we will take a look at the reviews, Amol Parashar’s role in the movie, the funny take on demonetisation, and the Twitter reactions to the movie.
1. Introduction
Cash is a 2020 Indian comedy movie directed by Mahesh Manjrekar. The movie stars Amol Parashar, Pavan Malhotra and Gopal Dutt in pivotal roles. The movie is a satire on the demonetisation of 2016 and its aftermath. It received mixed reviews from critics, but the audience had a different opinion. With the release of the movie, a lot of people took to Twitter to express their views and reactions. In this article, we will take a look at the reviews, Amol Parashar’s role in the movie, the funny take on demonetisation, and the Twitter reactions to the movie.
2. Cash Movie Review
The movie received mixed reviews from critics. Some praised the movie for its light-hearted take on the demonetisation move and the performances of the actors, while others criticised the movie for its lack of depth and its reliance on slapstick humour.
The movie also earned praise for its production values, with many critics noting that the movie had a good budget and was well shot. The movie also featured some catchy music, with many viewers praising the soundtrack. Overall, the movie earned mixed reviews, with some praising it and others criticising it.
3. Amol Parashar’s Role
Amol Parashar played the lead role in the movie. He was praised by critics and viewers alike for his performance, with many noting that he was able to bring the character to life with his natural charm and wit. He was also able to bring out the humour in the movie and keep the audience engaged.
Overall, Amol Parashar’s performance was praised and he was credited as one of the main reasons for the success of the movie.
4. Cash – A Funny Take on Demonetisation
Cash was a comedy movie that took a light-hearted